10 Best Things To Do On a Plane To Pass the Time

Things to do on a plane 1. Download a TV series. Is there a show you have been wanting to see? This is the time. It is a great way to make the flight go by much faster, especially with overseas trips and layovers.

2. Educate yourself through ITunes U. ITunes University offers a ton of great (and free!) courses you can take through your ipad. Heading to France? Why not brush up on your French. Thinking about starting a new business? Check out a course on entrepreneurship.

3. Candy Crush or Numbers. I’ve seen an entire flight go by on these two games. They are addicting, and you lose track of time. If you’re a bit afraid of flying, this might be the way to go!

4. Journal. There is something about being that far above the earth with all your worries down below that makes being on a plane the perfect place to get your thoughts on paper. Some great books, poems, movie scripts, and songs have been started on a plane. And even if you’re not the journaling type, we have some journaling tips for girls who hate journaling.

5. Wifi. The days of putting your electronics away on planes are quickly coming to an end. Many planes now have wifi capabilities. Some are free and some you have to pay for, but either way it is a great alternative. Ask your airline or flight attendant about their wifi options.

6. Magazines. Magazines can be a girl’s best friend on these flights. If you know you are going to be going out of town, hold out on reading those magazine-stand favorites until the flight. And don’t forget to share the love when you are done reading. It might help someone else’s trip be a little more enjoyable as well.

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7. Sleep. It is possible to get some great sleep on a plane. The trick? A neck pillow, eye patch, ear plugs/buds, and some melatonin. You’ll be there before you know it and ready to hit the ground running.

8. Picture and Video Editing. This is a great time to go through all those pictures and videos you have been meaning to edit and organize. Download a couple good apps and tackle that project.

9. Write letters. Has it been a while since you talked to Grandma? This is a great time to catch up. Take some stationary with you and write your relatives, a soldier,  a sibling in college, a friend who is in the hospital or going through a hard time. With no distractions, you’ll have time to craft a note that may mean more than you realize to someone. Also, by putting your mind and heart on someone else, you won’t have time to think about how long or uncomfortable the flight is.

10. Be Still. This is a hard one for us girls in the fast-paced life we live in. But when is the last time you just took time to be still, look out the window, and let your mind and ears be free from a thousand things vying for your attention? In the air, your time is yours. So maybe this time turn OFF your wifi on purpose and allow yourself a little time to look out the window, far above all the busy things going on in your life down there. So enjoy the view and just be.

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Kristian Kelly has a degree in Broadcast Journalism and has worked as a producer for the international teen tv show Skunkstv. She travels and speaks at conferences both here in the US and overseas. Some of her favorite travel memories include going on a safari in Africa, skiing in Sweden, and thrift shopping in London. Learn more about Kristian

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Posted in On The Road
3 comments on “10 Best Things To Do On a Plane To Pass the Time
  1. I like to fill out puzzle books- the variety kind that contain sudoku, crosswords, word searches, and several other kinds of puzzles. If I don’t bring my own, these are actually the only reasonably-priced things I can find in airport bookstores!

  2. I like to read. A good book will take your mind off anything. I notice you have magazines in your list, but reading a novel, whether a paperback or on your Kindle, makes the time fly (no pun intended).

    • Kinda Wilson says:

      That’s a great tip! And if we’re going on a long trip, we sometimes pack extra books and leave them along the way for others after we’ve read them.

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