Do It Like a Dane: Copenhagen, Denmark on a Budget

Guest Blogger Sarah Wheatley  gives us the DL about Hamlet’s hometown.

Copenhagen City GuideCopenhagen is a gorgeous city! It’s home to the happiest people on earth (this is a real thing, there was a contest and Denmark won) and unfortunately it is one of the top ten most expensive cities in the world.

But fear not! I studied there for the fall 2013 semester, and living in Copenhagen for four months taught me a lot about the cheap places to eat and have fun! My top picks for things to do in Copenhagen, Denmark on a budget are below:

Places to Eat

Nørrevold Ice

This little hole-in-the-wall is in the Nørrebro district of Copenhagen, right across from Central Station. It’s relatively cheap and also serves the best pizza in the whole city! A medium is about $8 and is made right in from of you. But be warned, this place is tiny. With only 4 tables, and only a counter separating the “dining room” from the stove, it is also hot.

Carlsburg BreweryCarlsberg Brewery (Ny Carlsberg Vej)

When visiting Copenhagen, take a tour of the brewery for the classic Danish beer! It is located in Southwest Copenhagen (in Frederiksberg, close to Valby), just a bus or train ride away from Central Station. For a $10-20 ticket you get to tour the campus and also receive two free drink vouchers to use in the bar upstairs.  While there, order a plate of delicious Danish meatballs to round-out your experience.

Hot Dogs

The Fransk hot dog is delicious! It’s a sausage wrapped in a segment of French bread, garnished with mustard and OH MY GOD it is so good. Each dog is relatively cheap, ranging from $2-3, and you have a choice of spicy Italian sausage, or a normal hot-dog-type sausage. The carts that sell them can be found around most pedestrian areas, like Old Town or Nyhavn, but beware: these hot dogs may just spoil all other hot dogs for you.

Places to Stay

Most hostels in Scandinavia are much nicer than those you would find in the US.  Even when staying in a multiple bed dorm, the atmosphere, the furniture, and the buildings are all really high quality.


Malmö is a Swedish city near København; a 30-minute train ride away, with the airport halfway between the two.  It’s great because things tend to be slightly cheaper there. Prices for a bed in a dorm range from $30-40 per day. Depending on what days of the week you intend to stay, choosing a room or a bed in Malmö (plus a $20 round-trip train ticket to Copenhagen) could be significantly cheaper than staying in Copenhagen itself.


Because of large price fluctuation between dorm rooms and private rooms (30-100 USD), I recommend renting private rooms in Malmö, but dorms in København.  Some options are here: Generator Hostel, Danhostel Copenhagen (which has 2 locations), and Hotel Maritime (private rooms only).

Places to PartyViews of Copenhagen

Denmark may be expensive, but the Danes know how to have fun cheaply, and oftentimes for free as well!  Many places offer discounts based on the season, and there are dozens of street performers out when the weather is good, and it’s fun to wander around and watch them.
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Botanical Garden (Botanisk Have)

Owned by the University of Copenhagen, the extensive gardens are free to enter, and contain thousands of species of plants.  Located between Rosenborg Palace and Nørrebro, it’s a short walk away from the metro station.  You can mill away an entire day wandering the paths in the garden

Harbor Baths (Islands Brygge Havnebadet)

Bucket List: Swim in Copenhagen HarborIf you are visiting Copenhagen in the summer, make sure to check these out!

Open June 1 – August 31 and located south of Christiansborg Palace, the pool is a section of the canal cordoned off for people to swim in safely (re: without being hit by a boat). It can be recognized by the tall red-and-white striped tower.  It has a 20-foot jumping deck, as well as a 10-foot one, and the water is refreshingly chilly (part of the North Sea). 

 This is some of the cleanest harbor water in the world, so don’t worry about it being dirty!

It’s easy to visit Copenhagen, Denmark on a budget…so what are you waiting for? Get on that plane and go!



Sarah Wheatley is a senior studying Environmental Geology at Mount Holyoke College. Along with science and traveling, her passions include singing, flying, weightlifting, and food.  She hopes to one day visit all the countries allowed by her passport, and move to somewhere in Europe while she continues her research on climate change.  She has already visited England, Canada, Greenland, Denmark, and Sweden.  Sarah is going to continue her studies to receive her MS degree, and hopes to obtain a PhD.

Posted in Places to Visit
One comment on “Do It Like a Dane: Copenhagen, Denmark on a Budget
  1. Chris says:

    Outstanding report! Love Copenhagen and Denmark!

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  1. […] forgot to mention that I was a guest blogger for the travel blog Travel Chicks.  Here‘s my post about Copenhagen, […]

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