An Introvert’s Guide to (Surviving) Cheap Vacations

An introvert's guide to surviving cheap vacations - tips for on the road so you don't stress outI have a secret for you: I get tired of being around people. Some might guess otherwise, seeing as how I’m outgoing in public and pretty crazy when I speak onstage. But I can do that because I spend the day at home working on my computer. Put me at a party with a group of strangers, and pretty soon I’m taking unneeded trips to the bathroom just to be in a quiet room.

My first “cheap” vacation overseas was eye-opening. My friends and I trekked across five countries in ten days while staying at hostels, and my brain just hit sensory overload. I got cranky and jittery and didn’t like people anymore.  Plus I had to pay to use the public toilets, so my bathroom trick went down the drain (no pun intended).  The trip ended with my friends touring the Vatican and me huddled in a corner in a Holiday Inn. Not my proudest moment.

Since then I’ve learned how to vacation cheaply while still keeping my introvert side happy. It allows me to enjoy the entire trip. And not (completely) annoy my friends.

Here are tips I have learned for traveling cheaply as an introvert:

  1. Three days into a trip, do nothing until noon. Take a half day of rest. Time is magnified on vacation, and you don’t want to “waste” it. Your tendency will be to fill up every single second of busy travel goodness. Resist that tendency. Think of it this way: Do you want seven remaining days of crankiness or six and a half days of happiness?
  2. Halfway through the trip, splurge to get more private lodging for a night. This can be a B&B, a hotel room, or a private hostel room. It will cost a few dollars more, but it will allow you to recharge. In Ireland, our bed and breakfast cost 30Euros per person. That was about 10Euros more than a hostel. So basically we paid an extra $15 to help us enjoy the rest of the trip.
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    Journaling in Pisa, Italy

    Getting away and journaling in Pisa, Italy while my friend toured a chapel

    Take thirty minutes to yourself at least every other day. This can be taking a walk in a safe area, getting up early to journal, or just sitting on a park bench for a few minutes.

  4. When all else fails, lie in bed with earplugs/headphones and a book/journal. Or put on an eye mask as well and block out the world. This is a quick way to get alone when you can’t be alone. You don’t have to sleep, just pretend that you are….and that the annoying person near you is far, far away.

You’ll want to explain to your friends your plan. Hopefully, they will be supportive. Chances are they will appreciate it, and probably need a bit of time away from you as well.

What do you do to stay recharged on a trip?

Kinda is an author, speaker, and hopeless wanderer. Her favorite places in the world include Manarola, Italy, and Gimmelwald, Switzerland. In her free time, you can find her bargain shopping and hanging out at coffee shops.

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